Highly uniform 30nm gold spheres on vitreous carbon
These samples have a random dispersion of highly uniform diameter gold spheres drop-cast on mi...
PELCO image tabs, carbon conductive tabs
The thicker PELCO Image Tabs is a stiff 260µm thick smooth conductive tab. Though not as condu...
SEM highly polished carbon planchets
The highly polished carbon planchets for use in analytical SEM/EDX, X-ray analysis and chemica...
SEM specimen mounts with mounted carbon discs, pin mount
The SEM specimen mounts with 3.2mm pin stubs come mounted with 1.6mm thick carbon discs in a m...
SEM high purity vitreous carbon planchet
Lapped surface on one side for smoothness, also known as glassy carbon or glass-like carbon. F...
SEM low profile carbon planchet holder, 10-32mm dia., M4 cylinder
Low profile planchet holders with M4 threaded base for vitreous carbon and carbon planchets, i...
SEM low profile carbon planchet holder, 10-32mm dia., pin mount
Low profile planchet holders with pin mount for vitreous carbon and carbon planchets, ideal fo...
SEM carbon planchets
Carbon (graphite) planchets are ideal substrates for backscattered electron imaging in a SEM. ...
PELCO SEM carbon conductive tabs
The PELCO Carbon conductive tabs with smooth, clean surfaces for use in SEM mounting and other...
Spectro SEM high purity conductive carbon tabs
Spectro high purity conductive carbon tabs have been a standard for quality carbon tabs for ma...
SEM carbon tabs with aluminium foil backing
SEM carbon tabs with aluminium foil backing are ideal for automated analysis of particles. The...