SEM low profile 45/90 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount

The SEM low profile 45/90° specimen mount is cut to allow advantag...

SEM specimen mounts, pin mount

The SEM specimen mount is made of aluminium with a grooved edge and 3.2mm diameter pin stub. C...

Pyrolytic carbon grids, single hole

Specimen support with low X-ray background, approximately 0.2mm thick.The grids are 3mm O....

NanoSoft clipping tools

NanoSoft’s Clipping Tool is compatible with the Thermo Fisher clipping station and is loaded w...

NanoSoft clipping station

NanoSoft's Clipping Station provides unmatched ease of use and efficiency for the clipping of ...

Plastic embedding sample clips

Plastic clips for holding up to three or four small and thin sections such as sheet metal or p...

Ultra-flat silicon wafer, type <100>

Ultra-Flat silicon wafer for demanding substrate studies. Can also be used as substrate for AF...

Quantifoil UltrAuFoil 0.6/1 holey gold film coated grids, square array

UltrAuFoil holey gold sample supports have become recognised as the optimum choice to maximise...

Quantifoil UltrAuFoil 1.2/1.3 holey gold film coated grids, square array

UltrAuFoil holey gold sample supports have become recognised as the optimum choice to maximise...

Quantifoil UltrAuFoil 2/2 holey gold film coated grids, square array

UltrAuFoil holey gold sample supports have become recognised as the optimum choice to maximise...

Sputter target, iridium

High purity 57mm diameter Targets, Iridium Target, 99.8% Ir (ø57mm x 0.3mm), compatible with:<...

SEM fibre holder vice mount, M4 cylinder

This spring-closing vice mount allows for easy clamping and tilting of small rod or fibre samp...

SEM fibre holder vice mount, pin mount

This spring-closing vice mount allows for easy clamping and tilting of small rod or fibre samp...

PELCO low profile FIB sample and grid holders

The PELCO Single and Double FIB Sample and Grid Holders hold FIB samples mounted on a pin stub...

PELCO SEMClip low profile 45/90 deg. specimen mount, M4 cylinder

These PELCO SEMClip low profile specimen M4 cylinder mounts are designed for easy, quick and c...

PELCO SEMClip low profile 45/90 deg. specimen mount, pin mount

These PELCO SEMClip low profile specimen pin mounts are designed for easy, quick and clean mou...

SEM low profile double pre-tilt FIB mounts, short pin mount

These SEM low profile double pre-tilt mounts are made of aluminium at set pre-tilt angles for ...

Tungsten filaments, AEI base

Tungsten hairpin filaments are the standard type filaments widely used in Scanning Electron Mi...

Tungsten filaments, ETEC

Tungsten hairpin filaments are the standard type filaments widely used in Scanning Electron Mi...

Tungsten filaments, ISI/ABT/Topcon

Tungsten hairpin filaments are the standard type filaments widely used in Scanning Electron Mi...

Tungsten filaments, AMRAY

Tungsten hairpin filaments are the standard type filaments widely used in Scanning Electron Mi...

Tungsten filaments, Hitachi cartridge

Tungsten hairpin filaments are the standard type filaments widely used in Scanning Electron Mi...

Tungsten filaments, Hitachi

Tungsten hairpin filaments are the standard type filaments widely used in Scanning Electron Mi...

Multi calibration standard for desktop SEM

Combined standard for resolution, magnification calibration, and EDS performance monitoring. S...

Highly uniform 30nm gold spheres on vitreous carbon

These samples have a random dispersion of highly uniform diameter gold spheres drop-cast on mi...

PELCO image tabs, carbon conductive tabs

The thicker PELCO Image Tabs is a stiff 260µm thick smooth conductive tab. Though not as condu...

PELCO SEM specimen sample clamps

The PELCO SEM specimen clamps are designed to hold samples during preparation and mounting inc...

Disc apertures, platinum, type B

These EM disc apertures made from platinum-iridium (95:5) are type B (70-90 degree window) and...

PELCO silicon aperture frames

The PELCO silicon aperture frames are 3mm disc type frames with a thickness of 200µm and squar...

PELCO X-CHECKER SEM calibration x-ray wafer references

The PELCO X-Checker Wafer is available for systems set up for silicon wafer handling. The PELC...

PELCO silicon nitride X-ray windows, square

The new X-Ray Windows feature larger frames and apertures and are made to the from $254.00

Metal spring mounting and embedding clips

Spring clips, ideal for holding thin samples for cross sectioning. Can be used for hot and col...

Silicon nitride support film, 15nm

The PELCO Silicon Nitride Support Films for TEM have been developed as an addition to our exte...

Ultra-flat SiNx coated silicon wafers, 200nm

The Ultra-Flat SiNx Substrates consist of ultra-flat silicon wafers coated with 200nm of amorp...

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm - 100nm, certified to NIST

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm - 100nm, certified to NIST

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm - 1um, certified to NIST

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm - 1um, certified to NIST:...

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm - 100nm, traceable to NIST

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm - 100nm, traceable to NIST

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm-1um, traceable to NIST

Pelcotec ISO CDMS calibration standards, 2mm-1um, traceable to NIST:Pe...

Conductive Lift-N-Press adhesive tabs, double sided

Composed of a thin film of strong conductive adhesive approx. 12.7mm diameter on one side and ...

PELCO SEM 70 deg. microscope slide holder mount, M4 cylinder

The PELCO SEM 70° microscope slide holder mount is ideal for EBSD and has a M4 threaded base. ...

PELCO SEM 70 deg. microscope slide holder mount, pin mount

The PELCO SEM 70° microscope slide holder mount is ideal for EBSD and has a 3.2mm diameter pin...

PELCO SEM 70 deg. vice specimen mount, pin mount and M4 cylinder

The PELCO SEM 70° vice specimen mount is ideal for EBSD and has a removable 3.2mm diameter pin...

PELCO SEM 70 deg. FIB grid holder mount, pin mount and M4 cylinder

The PELCO SEM 70° FIB grid holder mount is ideal for EBSD and has a removable 3.2mm diameter p...

PELCO SEMClip 70 deg. thin section specimen mount, pin mount and M4 cylinder

The PELCO SEMClip 70° thin section specimen mount is ideal for EBSD and has a removable 3.2mm ...

PELCO SEM 70 deg. thin specimen mount, pin mount and M4 cylinder

The PELCO SEM 70° thin specimen mount is ideal for EBSD with a split for thin specimens up to ...

Serial block-face EM specimen mounts for Thermo Scientific VolumeScope, pin mount

The serial block-face EM specimen mounts are designed for use with the Thermo Scientific Volum...

SEM stage adapter for ISI/ABT/Topcon SEMs

The SEM stage adapter is made of aluminium and is 15mm diameter x 10mm high with M4 screw. It ...

SEM M4 cylinder mount adapters for JEOL holders

The SEM M4 cylinder mount adapters can be used directly onto JEOL holders They are made of alu...

SEM stage adapter for Hitachi S2000/S3000/S3500

The SEM stage adapter for the Hitachi S2000/S3000/S3500 series consists of a 15mm diameter bas...

SEM dovetail stage adapter for Hitachi SEM S-3700N

The SEM dovetail stage adapter is made of vacuum grade aluminium to fit on the Hitachi S-3700N...