NanoSoft clipping tools

NanoSoft’s Clipping Tool is compatible with the Thermo Fisher clipping station and is loaded w...

NanoSoft clipping station

NanoSoft's Clipping Station provides unmatched ease of use and efficiency for the clipping of ...

Cryo grid boxes for cryo systems

Cryo TEM Grid boxes for storing and transferring vitrified cryo-EM specimens. Compatible with ...

NanoSoft metal universal HPF and grid boxes, low profile lids

The Metal Universal HPF and Grid Boxes from NanoSoft are the first storage box for 3mm high pr...

AutoGrid rings and C-clips

NanoSoft's newly developed AutoGrid Rings & C-clips are a premium quality, less variable, ...

Aluminium cryo grid box

These aluminium grid boxes can be used to transfer and store up to four TEM grids during cryo-...

Twist-top cryo grid box

The Twist-top cryo grid box are similar to othe...

NanoSoft cryo bulk grid boxes, clear or metal lid

These NanoSoft cryo grid boxes allow for safe and clean bulk and hybrid storage of grids. The ...

PELCO grid storage box, tabbed

Holds up to 50 tabbed, 3.05mm TEM grids in alphanumeric labeled compartments. The box is simil...

Cryo TEM grid boxes for cryo systems

Cryo TEM Grid boxes for storing and transferring vitrified cryo-EM specimens. Compatible with ...

TEM/FIB 70/20 deg. grid holder, M4 cylinder

The TEM/FIB 70/20° grid holder is ideal for EBSD with pre-tilt positions at 70° or 20°. The ho...

TEM/FIB 90 deg. grid holder, pin mount

The TEM/FIB 90° grid holder is ideal for transmission EBSD. The holder is made of machined alu...

TEM/FIB 70/20 deg. grid holder, pin mount

The TEM/FIB 70/20°grid holder is ideal for EBSD with pre-tilt positions at 70° or 20°. The hol...

PELCO SEM specimen sample clamps

The PELCO SEM specimen clamps are designed to hold samples during preparation and mounting inc...