AFM substrates, silicon chip specimen supports, square
Specimen support for SEM, SIMS, AFM.They are useful as a smooth, inert background is fo...
AFM substrates, V1 grade mica disc
Highest quality grade V1 mica disc 10mm diameter, 0.21mm thick. Interleaved, in packages of 10...
AFM substrates, V1 grade mica sheets
Highest quality Grade V10.15 to 0.177mm (0.006 - 0.007 in.) thickSheets interleaved
AFM substrates, V2 grade mica sheets
Grade V20.23 to 0.3mm thickSheets interleavedFreshly ...
Highly uniform 30nm gold spheres on vitreous carbon
These samples have a random dispersion of highly uniform diameter gold spheres drop-cast on mi...
PELCO SEM substrate, quartz disc, polished
The PELCO quartz discs or wafers are made from high quality fused quartz (glassy, amorphous ma...
SEM carbon planchets
Carbon (graphite) planchets are ideal substrates for backscattered electron imaging in a SEM. ...
SEM high purity vitreous carbon planchet
Lapped surface on one side for smoothness, also known as glassy carbon or glass-like carbon. F...
SEM highly polished carbon planchets
The highly polished carbon planchets for use in analytical SEM/EDX, X-ray analysis and chemica...
SEM low profile carbon planchet holder, 10-32mm dia., M4 cylinder
Low profile planchet holders with M4 threaded base for vitreous carbon and carbon planchets, i...
SEM low profile carbon planchet holder, 10-32mm dia., pin mount
Low profile planchet holders with pin mount for vitreous carbon and carbon planchets, ideal fo...
SEM silicon wafer substrates, Type P, 111
These silicon wafers can be used either as a substrate for thin film research or to make small...
SEM specimen mounts with mounted carbon discs, pin mount
The SEM specimen mounts with 3.2mm pin stubs come mounted with 1.6mm thick carbon discs in a m...
Ultra-flat silicon wafer, type <100>
Ultra-Flat silicon wafer for demanding substrate studies. Can also be used as substrate for AF...
Ultra-flat SiNx coated silicon wafers, 200nm
The Ultra-Flat SiNx Substrates consist of ultra-flat silicon wafers coated with 200nm of amorp...
Ultra-flat thermal SiO2 wafers, 200nm, type <100>
The Ultra-Flat SiO2 substrates consist of a 200nm thermally grown amorphous SiO2 film on an ul...