PELCO Pinpointer TEM finder grids, 300 mesh

The grids are known as reference, locator, finder or index grids. A number of different patterns have developed with either symbols or alphanumeric coding to quickly find a specific field. The locator or finder grids enable quick and easy checking of a particular feature at a later time or on another TEM. Exact grid square definition is a requirement in forensic and asbestos analysis. Another feature of the reference TEM grids is that when moving around on the grid, earlier found features or particles can be easily relocated.

Code Title Material Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 09-05-2024
GTP7GC300 PELCO Pinpointer TEM finder grids, 300 mesh Copper Vial/100 3 weeks $183.00 AUD
GTP7GG300 PELCO Pinpointer TEM finder grids, 300 mesh Gold Vial/25 3 weeks $249.00 AUD