Tweezer assembly for FEI Vitrobot Mark IV-I

Complete replacement tweezers assembly for the FEI Vitrobot Mark IV-I.

Includes ultra fine points DUMONT #5 tweezers mounted on dovetail. Available with either a standard slide-clamp (PEL47000-500) or self-closing tweezer handle (TTP47000-505).

The new self-closing Vitrobot tweezer enables one-handed operation when picking-up/releasing a grid and eliminating the often frustrating sliding clamp that requires a 2nd hand to lock the tweezers closed. The self-closing tweezers hold the grid securely in their resting state and release when applying a small amount of pressure.

Image shows: standard slide-clamp (PEL47000-500) top, self-closing tweezer (TTP47000-505) at bottom

Code Title Type Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 05-05-2024
PEL47000-500 Tweezer assembly for FEI Vitrobot Mark IV-I Slide-clamp tweezers Each 3 weeks $1,144.00 AUD
TTP47000-505 Tweezer assembly for FEI Vitrobot Mark IV-I Self-closing tweezers Each 3 weeks $945.00 AUD