TEM/STEM diffraction standard for camera length, evaporated aluminium

The nominal value of the effective camera length of an EM operating in the selected area mode is not sufficiently accurate for calculations of lattice spacing. The actual value of camera length must be calibrated at the same accelerating voltage and objective lens setting by reference to a known substance with well defined diffraction spacings. A normal specimen is evaporated film of aluminium. Very small crystallite size yields ring patterns suitable for calibration. The specimen is supplied with a list of the principal lattice spacings. Made on a G400, 400 square mesh copper Gilder grid.

User notes for diffraction standard - evaporated Aluminium, S619.

Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 20-05-2024
S619 TEM/STEM diffraction standard for camera length, evaporated aluminium Each 3 weeks $60.00 AUD