SEM double 90 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount

The SEM double 90°specimen mounts are cut to allow advantageous specimen observation. Made of aluminium with a machine grooved edge, with either a 6mm or 9.5mm long x 3.2mm diameter pin. The 9.5mm length pins are compatible with FEI, Tescan, ZEISS also for Philips, LEO, Cambridge, AMRAY, Leica, CamScan, ETEC SEMs and 6mm length pins are compatible with ZEISS/LEO SEMs.

Sizes available:

  • 12.7mm, 25mm and 32mm diameter
  • 6mm or 9.5mm length pin 
Code Title Size Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 20-05-2024
G056-P SEM double 90 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount 25mm dia. x 9.5mm pin Each 3 weeks $30.00 AUD
GTP16314-9 SEM double 90 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount 32mm dia. x 6mm pin Each 3 weeks $46.00 AUD
GTP16353 SEM double 90 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount 12.7mm dia. x 9.5mm pin Each 3 weeks $40.00 AUD
GTP16353-9 SEM double 90 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount 12.7mm dia. x 6mm pin Each 3 weeks $40.00 AUD
GTP16354-9 SEM double 90 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount 25mm dia. x 6mm pin Each 3 weeks $46.00 AUD